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retirement plans:

personalized, simplified, solved

Originating from a well-established Baton Rouge CPA Firm, and bolstered by a Lafayette Satellite Office, Sentinel Pension has emerged with a mission to deliver pioneering solutions and exceptional customer service within the intricate realm of retirement planning. With a track record encompassing more than 35 years and currently servicing over 250 businesses, our adept team of retirement professionals adopts a personalized, hands-on approach to provide clients with the utmost in dedicated service. Our service offerings are tailored to align with your specific requirements, as we collaborate closely with you to unearth optimal solutions.

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An “One Size Fits All” service package might not be suitable for every plan. Therefore, we take a strategic approach by collaborating with financial advisors and providers to personalize and fine-tune your company’s retirement plan. We do this by leveraging the unbundled service model, ensuring a precise fit for your business.

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The plan provider, often referred to as the record-keeper, takes on the role of asset custodian. They present a range of investment choices, compute daily investment values, and grant online access to accounts.


The financial advisor deepens understanding of the industry, providers, funds, fees, and available technology. They impart investment knowledge to participants and collaborate closely with the business owner to uphold fiduciary responsibilities.


The TPA manages plan design illustrations, contribution allocations, annual compliance testing, Form 5500 preparation, and, of utmost importance, provides continuous support.


You’re not just a number at Sentinel,
you’re a valued partner.

Check out this great reference of our
personalized service courtesy of
The Office.





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